ANTONIO GONZALEZ-GARCIA, born 1990 in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain is a visual artist who received a BFA at Artes y Oficios School in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, and an extended education in Fine Arts, Cultural Anthropology and Aesthetics in the Ecole Supérieure D’Arts D’Avignon (ESAA), France. His influences range from the Realists of Madrid, Spain (e.g. Antonio Lopez-Garcia) to the Slade School (U.K.), the Bauhaus School (Germany) and the Perceptual Painters (including those in his new hometown Columbus, Ohio.) ““My artwork reveres humanity. These paintings, though simple in content, are made with meticulous measurement, precise drawing, technical paint application and always, the occasional error I find humor in. Mistakes are one of the most beautiful parts of being a person. Although I am interested in complex human dynamics, like power, I want my work to be grounded and clear. I want it to be real. The table is a great place to study power, hence the inspiration for this show’s showcase series. I want the audience to be aware that the work is done by a human, for humans. Although my artistic influences are international, I want viewers to feel the warmth of my dining room table and the love of my own family and friends.” Antonio resides in Columbus, Ohio with his wife Rachel and their two dogs Petunia and Inu. In addition to teaching, his practice includes plein air studies, direct observation still life painting in the studio, and the use of photography to create paintings like the Around a Table series. He is an avid runner, a bountiful gardener, and a seasoned host, sharing homemade meals with Rachel and their friends. Antonio’s work has been recognized through national and international competitions and can be found in collections around the globe.